Showing posts with label Anna Dello Russo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anna Dello Russo. Show all posts

Paris Fashion Week Street Style

Anna Dello Russo
Great fashion isn't only on the runways, it's right out there in the streets specially amid the stylish crowd of the Paris show goers. Here, at the Valentino show exit, we caught up with Anna Dello Russo, Diane Pernet and a other great fashion-savvy attendees.
PHOTOS: Elena Pastor

Famous Fashion Editors at London and Paris Fashion Week

Hamish Bowles, Anna Wintour, Virginia Smith
Franca Sozzani (Editor in Chief Vogue Italia)
Emmanuelle Alt (Editor in Chief Vogue Paris)

I love Anna

Anna Dello Russo is a one woman fashion show, she's her own fashion week. Seeing her parade around London or Paris (in my case) is already a fashion experience. I've seen her in four different outfits in one day and one more fabulous than the other, and I don't know if she changed a couple more times after that. 
If you ever run into her during fashion week be sure to yell: "Anna you're fabulous!" Maybe she'll say: "thank you, you made my day".
Isn't she great?
Anna Dello Russo es un desfile de moda andante, es su propia semana de la moda. Verla pasearse por Londres o París es ya una toda una experiencia. Le he visto hasta cuatro cambios distintos en un solo día, cada uno más fabuloso que el otro, y eso que no sé si después se habrá cambiado de ropa un par de veces más.
Si algún dia te la cruzas en una semana de la moda asegúrate de gritarle: "¡Anna eres fabulosa!" Tal vez te responda:"Gracias, hiciste mi día".