Showing posts with label Yves Saint Laurent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yves Saint Laurent. Show all posts

Men's Fall Winter 2013/14 Trends

By Louise Parent 

              Cette saison, la Fashion week Homme automne/hiver 2013/14 nous offre de la fantaisie et de l’optimisme. En pleine période de changements politiques, économiques et sociétaux en Europe, la silhouette Homme prend une nouvelle tournure. Mélange entre tradition et renouveau, valeur sûre et folie, les créateurs de cette Fashion week nous proposent une vraie leçon d’avant-gardisme.
            This season's men Fall /Winter 2013/14 collections came filled with with fantasy and optimism. In the midst of political, economic and social changes in Europe, male silhouettes took a new turn. A mix between tradition and renewal, the remarkable and the folly, creators this Fashion Week are putting-forward a real lesson of avant-gardism.

SAINT LAURENT AW2013: The Slim on Slimane's Teen Spirit Collection

     If critics said last season's show looked it had been styled by Rachel Zoe or James Goldstein,  could we say it was Courtney Love's turn this time?
           What is the point of buying Saint Laurent or YSL, or whatever Slimane wants to call it —this name changing thing seems to have brought some sort of identity crisis upon the brand because we don't know what its known for anymore— if it looks like clothes from any low end store? Topshop or Urban Outfitters perhaps. Seriously, lets be honest, if you saw a girl in the street wearing any of these pieces you would think she got them anywhere in a mall, not at Saint Laurent. Game changing as it is, this is not the luxurious elegance Mr.Saint Laurent was known for in his day. There is no doubt Slimane is extremely talented and capable of great things, he has proved it many times in the past. But right now, he is making it difficult for others to see that all of these transformations (name changing, PR handling included) at the house are something other than a personal whim. 
           Sure, it will sell. Sky Ferreira will wear it (is she an YSL woman?) And even though the commercial factor is obviously key —no sales, no money, no business— it is not all.  Yves Saint Laurent changed fashion, his influences still live on. There has got to be respect for that.
          Slimane is a master when it comes to tailoring, why didn't we see more of it? We get he wants to do something different, not a typical thing any other designer in his shoes would do, we just don't get what it is. Saleable or not, in the spirit of YSL ot not, these clothes are not moving forward. Or are they?
       Maybe it us who have it all wrong. Maybe he knows better that anyone how to bring in the revenue and that's all that matters. Maybe this is fashion now, and this is what the public wants. Then again, I hate mass clothing.

The Game of Fashion: Slimane to YSL, Simons to Dior?

The rumor mill doesn't stop whilst fashion designers are traded like baseball cards. There is no confirmation yet on where Pilati and Simons are headed; anyhow, either one could do an interesting job in the position Galliano left open last year.